# Arrays - Get Products of all other elements in Ruby
# Algorithm challenge description:
# Given an array of integers, return a new array such that
# each element at index `i` of the new array is the product of
# all the numbers in the original array except the one at `i`.
# This file solves the algorithm in 3 approaches:
# 1. Brute force
# 2. Left and Right product lists
# 3. O(1) space approach
# 1. Brute force solution
def calculate_products_of_all_other_elements(nums)
product_of_other_elements = Array.new(nums.count, 1)
nums.count.times do |i|
nums.count.times do |j|
next if i == j
product_of_other_elements[i] = product_of_other_elements[i] * nums[j]
puts(calculate_products_of_all_other_elements([1, 2, 3]))
# Approach 2: Left and Right product lists
# Complexity analysis
# Time complexity: O(N) where N represents the number of elements in the input
# array. We use one iteration to construct the array prefix_products, one to construct
# the array suffix_products and one last to construct the answeranswer array using L and R.
# Space complexity: O(N) used up by the two intermediate arrays that
# we constructed to keep track of product of elements to the left and right.
# Generates prefix products
# prefix_products[i] contains the product of all the elements to the left
# Note: for the element at index '0', there are no elements to the left,
# so the prefix_products[0] would be 1
def build_prefix_products(nums)
prefix_products = []
nums.each do |num|
prefix_products << if prefix_products.count > 0
prefix_products.last * num
# Generates suffix products
# suffix_products[i] contains the product of all the elements to the right
# Note: for the element at index 'length - 1', there are no elements to the right,
# so the suffix_products[length - 1] would be 1
def build_suffix_products(nums)
suffix_products = []
nums.reverse.each do |num|
suffix_products << if suffix_products.count > 0
suffix_products.last * num
# Builds output
# For the first element, suffix_products[i] would be product except self
# For the last element of the array, product except self would be prefix_products[i]
# Else, multiple product of all elements to the left and to the right
def output(prefix_products, suffix_products, nums)
result = []
nums.count.times do |index|
result << if index == 0
suffix_products[index + 1]
elsif index == nums.count - 1
prefix_products[index - 1]
(prefix_products[index - 1] * suffix_products[index + 1])
# Generate result from the product of prefixes and suffixes
def products(nums)
prefix_products = build_prefix_products(nums)
suffix_products = build_suffix_products(nums)
suffix_products = suffix_products.reverse
output(prefix_products, suffix_products, nums)
puts(products([1, 2, 3]))
# => [6, 3, 2]
# Approach 3: O(1) space approach
# This approach is essentially an extension of the approach 2.
# Basically, we will be using the output array as one of L or R and we will
# be constructing the other one on the fly.
# Complexity analysis
# Time complexity: O(N) where N represents the number of elements in the input
# array. We use one iteration to construct the array L, one to update the array
# answer.
# Space complexity: O(1) since don't use any additional array for our
# computations. The problem statement mentions that using the answer
# array doesn't add to the space complexity.
def products(nums)
return [] if nums.count < 2
res = [1]
# res[i] contains the product of all the elements to the left
# Note: for the element at index '0', there are no elements to the left,
# so the res[0] would be 1
(0..(nums.count - 2)).each do |i|
num = nums[i]
res << num * res[i]
# product contains the product of all the elements to the right
# Note: for the element at index 'length - 1', there are no elements to the right,
# so the product would be 1
product = 1
(nums.count - 1).downto(1) do |i|
num = nums[i]
# For the index 'i', product would contain the
# product of all elements to the right. We update product accordingly.
res[i - 1] *= (product * num)
product *= num
puts(products([1, 2, 3]))
# => [6, 3, 2]