/** Author : Siddhant Swarup Mallick
* Github : https://github.com/siddhant2002
/** Program description - To find the maximum subarray sum */
package com.thealgorithms.dynamicprogramming;
public class KadaneAlgorithm {
public static boolean max_Sum(int a[] , int predicted_answer)
int sum=a[0],running_sum=0;
for(int k:a)
// running sum of all the indexs are stored
// the max is stored inorder to the get the maximum sum
// if running sum is negative then it is initialized to zero
// for-each loop is used to iterate over the array and find the maximum subarray sum
return sum==predicted_answer;
// It returns true if sum and predicted answer matches
// The predicted answer is the answer itself. So it always return true
* Input - {89,56,98,123,26,75,12,40,39,68,91}
* Output: it returns either true or false
* 1st approach Time Complexity : O(n)
* Auxiliary Space Complexity : O(1)